Home Improvement Tips: Summer Party Decor

Lawn Stencils – Decorate your lawn with fun shapes for party ambiance. Use a craft knife to cut your desired shape out of cardboard. Mist the patch of grass where you want the stencil then place the stencil on the grass. Using a sifter or strainer, sprinkle a small amount of white flour into the stencil. Carefully remove the stencil and dispose of excess flour. For a longer-lasting design that can be walked on, use spray or marking chalk.

Bursts of Color – Make your summer party a celebration of color with bright, fun colors. Choose brightly-colored tablecloths, colorful vases with fresh flowers, festive lights, tiki torches, paper lanterns in bright colors, etc. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to bring color to your party, just use what you have around the house or in your garden. Get your kids involved by having them make paper chain garland from colored paper. Spray paint metal folding chairs different colors.

Repurpose Items – A fun way to decorate for a summer party is to repurpose items. Use bright plastic tablecloths to create streamers or backdrop. Use flower pots as utensil holders or tea light holders. You can also use flower pots and saucers as serving dishes – just make sure they are clean and you line them with foil or cloth napkins. Use a watermelon as a flower planter for your centerpieces. Just level the ends so the melon will sit flat, scoop the insides out and use it for a fruit salad, fill the hollow melon with soil and plant your flowers. String balloons or beach balls together to make garland.

Mix & Match – Have fun when decorating for your party. You don’t have to make everything match. Adding variety to your décor can help to create an amazing look for your party. Stop by a thrift store to find punch glasses in different shapes and sizes. Use a variety of colors and patterns for napkins and tablecloths.

Fun for the Kids - Create a special space for the kids at the party so they can feel like the adults. Set up a cooler with kid drinks and water bottles and serve kid-friendly foods that are easy to eat. Set up games that the kids and adults can play together. Badminton, horseshoes, bean bag toss, bocce ball are all games that are fun to play and any age can enjoy them.


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